Thursday, August 2, 2007

Ten more West Nile cases reported in Kern

Last Update: Jul 31, 2007 7:52 PM
Posted By: brynn galindo

Posted 7/31/07BAKERSFIELD - The number of West Nile Virus cases in Kern County is up sharply, according to stat statistics released Tuesday afternoon.

Ten new cases of human WNV have been reported in Kern since Friday, bringing the county's total to 38. Statewide, 14 new cases were reported.

Kern remains the center of the statewide West Nile threat: All other counties combined have only 18 cases. The disease has been reported in 12 other counties.

But the new statistics show there have been deaths in two other counties, San Joaquin and Colusa. Already reported were the deaths of two elderly Kern County residents.
Health officials said now more than ever, precautions must be taken.

"The big picture is prevention," said Public Health Department Dr. Claudia Jonah. "Don't expose yourself to things that caused the infections and be aware that there are these risks."

Health experts urge everyone to take the following precautions against the deadly West Nile Virus:

Apply insect repellent containing DEET, picaradin or oil of lemon eucalyptus, according to label instructions.

Ensure doors and windows have tight-fitting screens.

Repair or replace screens that have tears or holes.

Eliminate all sources of standing water that can support mosquito breeding.

Wear clothing that reduces the risk of skin exposure and avoid spending time outside at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active.

Kern Mosquito and Vector Control said as more small pools and ponds dry up in our hot, dry weather, infected mosquitoes and birds are all flocking to what few areas with water are left, making it easier for mosquitoes to become infected and pass along the virus.

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